Recently, our Year 5 students attended Our Big Kitchen and of course, they made us proud!
Together we cooked and packaged hundreds of vegetable curries, challot, bread rolls and biscuits to be distributed to the homeless as well as children and staff at Sydney hospitals. The students chopped, peeled and diced hundreds of vegetables, followed by plaiting and rolling dough, and finally some cookie making where they showed their creative sides. Once we were finished, we packaged the meals proudly placing a sticker on each lid which had the Masada College emblem. It was during this time that a gentleman named Will arrived to collect 50 meals which he was delivering to the homeless on Pitt Street just in time for lunch- potentially their first meal in three days. The rest of the meals will be distributed in the coming days and months.
We thank each of our students for their maturity and focus to ensure we helped feed as many people as possible. A big thanks to all the parents, friends and grandparents who joined us.