Torah Stream
Our Schools
Torah Stream
Masada College adopts the approach of Torah im Derech Eretz (Torah with the ways of the world) as its guiding belief. We encourage a commitment to and appreciation of Judaism and its values in all of our students. The teaching of Torah, Talmud, Halacha, Tefillah and Hebrew together with an emphasis on outstanding discipline, respect, Midot, Chessed and observance is our principal aim.
How the Torah Stream works
The Torah Stream is an offering that families can choose to opt into. Upon consultation with the Torah Stream Coordinator, we will help you assess if the Torah Stream is the right option for your family. There is no extra cost involved, and we welcome new families to our program.
During initial stages of establishing the structure of the Torah Stream, our Torah Stream Coordinator visited and consulted mechanchim (educators) in America, South Africa, Melbourne and the UK. Our curriculum is carefully chosen to align itself with the educational standards of Jewish schools with similar goals around the world.

The Torah Stream’s main focus is on Classical Hebrew. We spend a lot of time building a strong grammatical foundation in our students in order to empower them to work towards becoming confident and independent learners in Chumash, Mishna and eventually Gemarah. The syllabus is cyclical and each year the students build on the foundations that they established in the previous year.
Our students learn to read and write Hebrew in Kindergarten. There is a strong focus on learning Chumash skills from Year 2 and Mishna and Gemarah in Years 5 and 6, giving the students the tools to be well-educated and proud members of the Jewish community.
Through the Torah Stream, Masada College is able to offer excellence in Kodesh learning in one of the highest achieving schools in secular studies in New South Wales. This combination of both Kodesh and secular studies is unmatched and students thrive in the warm and nurturing environment that Masada is known for.
Torah Stream Classes
There are three Torah Stream classes per day and 11 periods a week.
These begin about one hour before other Masada College classes begin and allows for an extended tefillah as well as an extra period of class time.
The Torah Stream morning tefillah program increases in breadth and depth each year. There is a focus on students saying the tefillot correctly as well as understanding what they are saying.
In addition, students also have classes in kriah, kesivah, Yedios Klalios, Chumash, Tanach, Mishna and Gemarah. The combination of classes varies based on age and gender as the program is tailored to the pedagogical needs of each cohort.
Torah Stream students participate in all co-curricular programs offered across the College.
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