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Senior Girls team win the Carole Fisher Trophy

Debating Wins for Senior School

What an exciting year for debating at Masada College. The year started with the Heads of Independent Co-educational Schools (HICES) Debating Competition. Our new recruits in Year 7 shone in their ability to think on their feet when they inadvertently engaged in an impromptu debate for their first round. Our Senior A team did particularly well, qualifying for the Elimination Finals in which they narrowly lost in a very heated debate against The Pittwater House School. A big congratulations to Ella Herrman who received the Equal Overall Winner of the HICES Best Debater Award in the Senior Division.  Jack Wang, Tyla Aronson, Illana Stitz and Romy Milch received awards for Runner Up of the HICES Best Debater in their divisions.

In October we had the honour of hosting the Inter Jewish Day School Debating Competition against Kesser Torah College and Moriah College. Students from all three schools had some very engaging debates centred around environmental issues, politics & ethics. History was made by our Senior Girls who acquired The Carole Fisher Trophy, which had last made its home at our College in 2009. The girls won two out of the three rounds giving some very strong disputes as to why The Australian Government should monitor all communications.

Additionally, our Open Team battled it out against Moriah College to break their 3 year winning streak, commandeering the Caplan Trophy. The competition surrounding this trophy dates back to 1986 in which we have won it 9 times. The Open Team undoubtedly persuaded the adjudicator that The Federal Government should ban leadership changes during the terms of sitting Prime Ministers.

Well done to our dedicated 2018 team of debaters. You are to be commended for your team work and integrity in discussing complicated topics calmly, clearly and passionately.




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