Junior School
Our Schools
Junior School
Nurturing our own strengths to build a better world
Masada College Junior School fosters a warm, inviting, and nurturing environment for students from Years K – 6. Rooted in Jewish values, we are proud of our diversity whilst fostering a deep sense of belonging and acceptance. Masada College cultivates an atmosphere of inclusivity, where our passionate teachers play a pivotal role in creating a vibrant and enriching learning environment and inspire a love for learning encouraging students to explore their interests and talents.
Students learn and grow together embracing differences and forging lifelong friendships. Through a blend of academic excellence and character development, Masada College Junior School provides a supportive and enriching educational journey, empowering each student to thrive and succeed in both their academic pursuits and personal endeavours.

Masada College Junior School is first and foremost a school with a Culture of Thinking. As part of our Leading Learning educational package, every student is challenged and stimulated in their journey by evaluative thinking, the opportunity to lead and the acceptance of personal responsibility. Our aim is to help young boys and girls develop their learning skills while allowing the strengths of each child to shine.
The development of literacy and numeracy skills is vitally important for primary aged children. Our students consistently perform well above state and national averages in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).
Masada College Junior School offers:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science and Technology
- Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)
- Creative Arts (includes Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance)
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
According to the NSW Education Department, STEM education is the learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an interdisciplinary or integrated approach. In this regard, Masada College continues to keep its finger on the pulse of educational advancement with the introduction of Robotics and STEM programs, which ensure that our students are equipped with the EDGE to lead and achieve in the 21st Century.
Throughout the year, various clubs run during lunchtime to enhance the social skills program embedded in the curriculum, develop interactive skills across age groups, and add to the learning experiences of our students.
The Arts
- Choir, K-2
- Israeli dancing, 1-4
- Country Music, 3-6
- Band, 5-6
- Various instruments ensembles
- Xylophone to the String ensemble
- Playground art and crafts
- Athletics, K-2
- Fitness, K-2
- Baseball, K-2
- Netball, 1-2
- Rugby 5-6
- Rugby League, K-2
- PSSA sports, 3-6
- Soccer, K-2
- Swimming
- Tennis
Plus more…
- Chinese language
- Drama, K-3
- Junior engineers, 4-6
- Chess
- Homework Club
- Lego/Board games, K-3
- Dance
- Chess tournaments
- Da Vinci Decathlon ( not in 2020)
- Debating
- HICES Gifted and Talented camps
- ICAS competitions
- Maths Challenge
- Maths Olympiad
- Public Speaking competitions
- Northside Workshops for gifted students
- Chess tournaments
- Davinci Decathlon (not in 2020)
- Debating
- HICES Gifted and Talented camps
- ICAS competitions
- Maths Challenge
- Maths Olympiad
- Public Speaking competitions
- Northside Workshops for gifted students
or Tour